The 100 Most Iconic Artworks of the Last 5 Years


10) Allora & Calzadilla, Track & Field

Complete List:


What are the most resonant works of art from the recent past? From among the thousands of individual works that pass through galleries and museums, which have affected the conversation in some significant way? Amid all of contemporary art’s chaotic installations and ephemeral gestures, which images have some staying power? These are the questions that ARTINFO set out to answer with its list of “100 Most Iconic Artworks From the Last 5 Years.”

How did we put together our ranking? First, we asked a broad group of colleages to submit their nominations for artworks, from 2007 or later, that they considered to be in some way “iconic.” Then we asked members of our staff and a few distinguished outsiders to give the works on the resulting list a score of 1 to 10. Adding our scores together, we came up with a ranked list of 100 artworks from the last half-decade.
